This Week on Crypto Twitter: Did SBF Move Money? Man Utd NFTs Under Fire. Eisenberg Arrested!

If you’d like to participate in the ‘Running Bitcoin’ event and make a donation, you can do so by visiting our website and following the instructions there. Or you follow us @RunningBTC21k. Every little bit helps, and we are grateful for your support. 4/5
— halfin (@halfin) December 27, 2022
I finally received my Nov investor statement from Multicoin Capital. Over the past 11 months the hedge fund is down a whopping 90%, and they’re still holding a bag of toxic shit. Time to close the fund down guys? Oh, and congrats on barely outperforming your benchmark $SOL 🙄
— Soldman Gachs (@DrSoldmanGachs) December 27, 2022
Some smart people tell me there is an earnest smart developer community in Solana, and now that the awful opportunistic money people have been washed out, the chain has a bright future.
Hard for me to tell from outside, but I hope the community gets its fair chance to thrive🦾🦾
— vitalik.eth (@VitalikButerin) December 29, 2022
so youre using the internet to tweet but you promise that youre not checking under the couch cushions for spare change
— happy nic year (@nic__carter) December 30, 2022
Oh okay that’s the end of it then
— Brad Michelson (@BradMichelson) December 30, 2022
I believe it is likely the case that various legit legs of FTX have the ability to access these funds; hopefully that’s what’s happening here. If not, hopefully one steps in soon to do so. I would be happy to help advise regulators on this if any wanted.
— SBF (@SBF_FTX) December 30, 2022
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